Last time I built a PC was in 1998. Since then I bought laptops and macs for myself. So finally I decided to build a PC for myself. Here is what I learnt.
Would you do a follow up on operating systems? A decade ago I bought a Lenovo laptop with Windows 10. I had an old desktop running Windows 7 and a first gen Surface Pro. The laptop shorted out within six months. The warranty didn’t cover repair or replacement without several hundred dollars just to to do the analysis. So, no more Lenovo. No more Best Buy. The Surface Pro was more of a novelty. The desk works fine still in Windows 7. I purchased a MacBook Pro. Seven years later no problems. Though I like Windows 7 better than the Apple system. So, what have you learned?
Would you do a follow up on operating systems? A decade ago I bought a Lenovo laptop with Windows 10. I had an old desktop running Windows 7 and a first gen Surface Pro. The laptop shorted out within six months. The warranty didn’t cover repair or replacement without several hundred dollars just to to do the analysis. So, no more Lenovo. No more Best Buy. The Surface Pro was more of a novelty. The desk works fine still in Windows 7. I purchased a MacBook Pro. Seven years later no problems. Though I like Windows 7 better than the Apple system. So, what have you learned?
Surely will do a tech update covering OS and some other things.
Very good