Diversity, Equity & Inclusion v/s mutual respect
Gender, DEI, diversity and Identity movement misses this critical point about respect for all.
Identity politics, including race, sexual orientation, preferences, etc., has gained momentum in the past decade. The movement is founded on a kernel of truth - respect for all. I have not noticed any disagreement with that kernel of truth. The disagreement and polarisation are about what respect means and how it is demonstrated.
Tolerance v Respect
At the heart of the polarisation is the difference between tolerance and respect.
Tolerance, as Encyclopedia Britannica mentions, has its modern roots in the 16th- and 17th-century struggles of religious minorities to achieve the right to worship free from state [and mob] persecution. Each sect was encouraged to “tolerate” the others despite not respecting them.
Respect, on the other hand, has a different connotation. We expect basic respect for everyone. The Bible says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Sanatan Dharma believes everything (including plants and non-living things) has an element of Brahman in it and hence deserves respect. That basic respect everyone has a right to is also known as dignity. On top of this dignity, you earn respect through your achievements, contributions and community service. Hence the famous adage - respect is earned.
The polarization now appears stark. At one pole, we have groups that concede to “tolerate” everyone else but do not necessarily grant them basic respect, i.e. dignity. Conversely, we have groups that want unearned respect (dignity and much more) just because of their identity (chosen, evident or imposed).
In other words
In the racist past, we would subtract (reduce) respect from dignity only and simply based on identity, race, skin colour, preferences, etc. This is even before we know of their achievements, contributions and community service. Thus, we made “others” sub-human.
Today, we want to add (enhance) respect to dignity only and simply based on identity, race, skin colour, preferences, etc. They do not need any achievements, contributions or community service to earn it. Thus, we expect “others” to be treated as superhuman.
It is wrong to subtract from one’s basic humanity, AND it is wrong to demand respect without earning it. Sadly, we have NOT learnt either of the lessons.
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Thank you for bringing the ideas of tolerance and respect together and -- expanding into lack of respect in the past side-by-side with an unearned demand of respect today. Much appreciated.