The Europeans, Chinese and Japanese learn in their mother-tongue and that makes them more innovative while we lag. Should we move to mother-tongue based education with English as additional language?
We already have education in mother tongue. The problem is people want English medium education for their children because it will help them get jobs more easily. Even if someone has studied in Indian medium for 12 years, they start to struggle and lose confidence once they get to higher education, which is mostly in English. The government offered indian language programs in engineering and medicine and there were no takers. The textbooks are garbage, the profs have no track record, it is doubtful there will be campus placements of same quality.
I see even people in documentaries about rural India add English every few words, so it feels like the horse has bolted and what is the point shutting the barn door now. But maybe we can yet do this.
One thing i thought of was YouTube videos teaching technical subjects in Indian languages. This should be for supplementary learning, like a lot of YouTube videos. Then after a while, take the help of these creators to write good textbooks in those languages. A program for education is a much later stage thing downstream of all of this.
We already have education in mother tongue. The problem is people want English medium education for their children because it will help them get jobs more easily. Even if someone has studied in Indian medium for 12 years, they start to struggle and lose confidence once they get to higher education, which is mostly in English. The government offered indian language programs in engineering and medicine and there were no takers. The textbooks are garbage, the profs have no track record, it is doubtful there will be campus placements of same quality.
I see even people in documentaries about rural India add English every few words, so it feels like the horse has bolted and what is the point shutting the barn door now. But maybe we can yet do this.
One thing i thought of was YouTube videos teaching technical subjects in Indian languages. This should be for supplementary learning, like a lot of YouTube videos. Then after a while, take the help of these creators to write good textbooks in those languages. A program for education is a much later stage thing downstream of all of this.
Many great points.
This one is really super idea - making YouTube Videos for technical subjects in Indian languages first and then moving to local languages textbooks.
He has met the PM on this topic.