Launching the e-book - Hinduism - The basics
I have converted my previous post into an ebook. Download, share and give me feedback.
In the discussions and commentary post-release of The Kerala Files, I found that the basics of Hinduism are not accessible in one place. I wrote a primer of sorts on Substack a few weeks ago.
Many asked me to convert it into an ebook so that they could share it with their kids and many others who do not make a conscious effort to read about the Dharma.
So here it is! I created this free ebook: Hinduism - The Basics. You can download it from the link https://bit.ly/RDHinduism OR scan the QR code below.
From the link, you should be able to download the PDF. If you like it, I request you to share it on WhatsApp, Telegram or any other platform you use. Send me ideas on what to add or other ideas to make this better. Thank you.