Sitemap - 2010 - RightVIEWS

Commodity Prices and Money

Cannot group India with other Emerging market

Difference in wealth and money

Jobs, Skills and development

Identifying Asset bubbles

How lower Interest Rate create Malinvestments?

When to support Asset Prices and at what level?

Income bubble or asset bubble?

Behaviour of Indian Equity Markets

QE2 polarizing Haves and Have-nots

Higher Food Prices and Poverty

The idea of taxes

A logic against QE

Why Koreans still work at 75?

Are Trade and currency openness complementary?

Why some imbalances are more important than others?

Comeptitive devaluations - Krugman, Sumner and Yglesias

Forecasting equity prices in turbulent times

The Foreclosure Mess and justice

Why foreign funds are preferring EM banks?

Fighting the Currency War

Tax reforms - Ezra Klein makes a valid suggestion

Roller coaster - Welcome to the first loop

Trade Wars & Currencies

Pseudo Keynesianism

The truth behind Encouraging home ownership

Comments on Microsoft

Pensions are complicated


Will Japanese Investment Overseas decline?

Elizabeth Warren - Election vs. Selection

The crisis of middle-class America

Small and ineffective stimulus in 2007-2009

Comment on Sumner's article on Reallocation to housing in 2001

The Problem of Regulation

Real Estate Mortgage problem and deflation

Healthcare and Pension - Unkept Promises?

Measuring real value

How much is real estate as a percentage of total assets?

Retaining US jobs

Krugman, Ferguson and/on Zakaria

Austerity vs. Stimulus

Value of Gold relative to financial assets

Counterfactual: US government uses bailout funds to create a bank

Impairing household balance sheets

Income and intensity of unrest

Co-locating Risk and Rewards

Emerging Markets are too small!

Government and Markets are competing systems

The Search for Growth

West - decline or browning

Exchange Rate Conundrum

The RBI policy

My book "Subverting Capitalism & Democracy" Launched!

The challenges facing Indian IT

Debt Repudiation

China Bust?

Market View and trading strategy from Vitaliy Katsenelson